Обслуживание торжеств в Коканде
Teahouse in Kokand, dietary meals in kokand в Коканде
- 07.04.2012, 22:40
- Узбекистан, Коканд
- Просмотров: 392
In X c. Arabian travelers called the city of Kokand as «Hukandi-i-Latif» that means «Agreeable city». Being located at the Great Silk route the city became known for the art of its cooks as it was not easy to feed people from different countries with different tastes. Showing regard to the hospitability traditions the Kokand cooks surpassed themselves due to their craft and patience.
Today Kokand is as full of guest as it was centuries ago. The craft of the cooks has been improved and contributed into the formation of the versatile traditional cuisine. Residents and guests of the city prefer the restaurant, café or teahouse offering Uzbek traditional, European and dietary cuisine at the same time. From the other hand a restaurant can’t become popular until it has a convenient location at the crossroads of the transit roads. “Navoi” teahouse named in honour of the great poet and thinker of XV c. and located at Navoi district at the crossroads of Navoi and U.Nosir streets possess all the required peculiarities to become popular.
The central section is a dietary meals hall (Parxez taomlari). Having entered to this hall you will feel warmness and care of the service personnel. You will be pleasantly surprised with the variation of the menu items. The menu will offer you 15 kinds of salads (the spesiality is Navoi salad); 12 kinds of soups (the speciality is “Vaju turkcha” soup cooked from many different ingredients); 15 kinds of the main course including wide range of puddings; natural juices and compotes; and famous speciality – a small round bread “kulcha non”. You will be surrounded with comfortable furniture in a roomy hall, an atmosphere created by a very good master.
Selected ecological ingredients and strict control of the food quality is the secret of popularity and success of Navoi teahouse. Also, a successful idea to divide the whole complex into sectors made the teahouse a lovely place for the people.
Welcome to Navoi teahouse in Kokand!
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Косимов Зокиржон
- Зарегистрирован: 01.04.2012
- Активность: 23.04.2012
- Коканд
- м-в Навоий, перекресток ул.Навоий-У.Носир
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